Vice President, Strategy - RESTCo.
Defence Scientist specializing in advanced battery technology with the Defence Research Establishment Ottawa and Defence Science Policy Advisor - Land Forces over the period 1978 to 1985. Dr. Adams remains involved with the Department of National Defence as a member, Vice-Chair (2003-2007), Chair (2007-2010) and Immediate Past Chair, (2010 - ) of the Defence Science Advisory Board, Ottawa.
Founder and Director of the Electrochemical Science and Technology Centre of the University of Ottawa over the period 1986 to 1995. The Centre conducted basic and applied research on electric vehicles, medical power sources (artificial heart project), and defence power sources for government and private sector clients. Since the late 1980s the largest research fleet of electric vehicles in Canada (over 20 full-size vans) was operated in the Centre’s EV program. From 1995 was President of a spin-off company from the University of Ottawa, For 5 years, this company was the Operating Agent for the International Energy Agency Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Exploratory Battery and Supercapacitor research annex and provided battery environmental impact research to the same IEA Implementing Agreement. The company was sold and he remains involved as Chief Technical Advisor.
For the period 1968 to 1978, Dr. Adams was a Research Scientist with Environment Canada where he conducted both laboratory and field research on water quality including major Arctic field studies of potential climatic effects of Arctic oil exploration from the impacts of oil spills on the ice/water interface. He was a principal scientist involved in the Beaufort Sea Project in the 1970s studying the properties of sea ice when impacted by crude oil in a major field study near Cape Parry.
Dr. Adams has published his research work extensively (over 100 papers) in the scientific literature, holds several patents on battery and fuel cell technology and been an editor for both the Electrochemical Society and the Journal of Power Sources. He has been an active member of scientific associations throughout his career e.g. he was President of the Spectroscopy Society of Canada in the 1970s. He was one of the founders of the Electric Vehicle Association of Canada (EVAC). EVAC and its members have played a very important role internationally in establishing and enhancing interest in the electric and hybrid propulsion technologies as viable options for cleaner transportation and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in many parts of the world.
Dr Adams has a PhD obtained in the area of high pressure electrochemistry from the University of Ottawa and did a PDF studying the high pressure forms of ice.
(Source : RESTCo)