Carr, Scott




Scott joined JASCO in 1997, bringing to the company 12 years of experience as a Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer with the Canadian Navy that included the operation, performance analysis, and environmental impact assessment of naval acoustic systems. Scott has worked on numerous engineering and environmental assessment projects dealing with acoustic system performance and sound propagation modelling. His fields of expertise include systematic analysis of the acoustic signatures of air and water guns, propagation modelling and monitoring of underwater sound, and acoustic source detection and localization. Scott conducted his MEng thesis research on the design considerations of a towed array for detection, localization, and classification of marine mammals.

Scott holds a MBA from Royal Roads University, a M.Eng in acoustics from Penn State, and a B.Eng in mechanical engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada.



(Source : JASCO)



Talk: Automated measurements of underwater noise from shipping and port operations (May 30)